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The Energy Breakthrough Challenge is a three-day event held in Maryborough in November each year. Each team comprises eight team members of 4 girls and 4 boys.  New Gisborne participate in two events Human Powered Vehicle (HPV) and Pushcart.


The Energy Breakthrough is a joint initiative of the Country Education Partnership (CEP) and the Central Goldfields Shire Council (CGSC).


Since 1991, Energy Breakthrough has provided opportunities for students, teachers, parents and local industry to work together to design and construct a vehicle, a machine or innovation in technology that will represent an ‘energy breakthrough’. The program is unique in that all teams must compete across three areas of assessment: Design and Construction, Display and Presentation and Trials. 


The Energy Breakthrough isn’t just a once-a-year event. School groups work throughout the year to design, build and test machines within detailed specifications. The program encourages participants to examine and use the latest technology while considering its impact on the environment and the way people live locally and globally.  It requires a team effort and an across-the-curriculum approach. The groups then bring their vehicles and machines to Maryborough in Victoria, for a huge celebration in which they can demonstrate and trial them in action.


For more information on the Energy Breathrough program, click HERE.


Students maintain and race a recumbent tricycle throughout an obstacle course, sprint race and 8 hour endurance event. Students are also required to present their learning to a panel of judges in a 10 minute presentation.


In 2017 New Gisborne was able to purchase a new HPV, which improved riding conditions and lap times. The team rode a staggering 184km throughout the 8 hour event.


Students are required to design and build a pushcart using recycled materials, race this vehicle in an obstacle, endurance and sprint events, rebuild it under the scrutiny of judges and undertake a presentation of their vehicle covering all aspects of its design and construction.


New Gisborne Primary School have been participating in the event since 1999, achieving some outstanding results including overall winner. Our last team achievement was the winner of the 2016 Try-athon obstacle course with an overall fastest time for the event.


The students collect sponsorship throughout the local community to fund the event which includes the school’s annual cardboard cart regatta. Students across the school build their own cart out of a cardboard box and race relay style against their peers.


Term 1: 28th January to 4th April

Term 2: 22nd April to 4th July

Term 3: 21th July to 19th September

Term 4: 6th October to 19th December


239 Station Road, New Gisborne, 3438

(03) 5428 2232

8.55am      School Starts

9.00am      Session 1 & 2

11.00am    Recess

11.30am    Session 3 & 4

1.30pm      Lunch

2.20pm      Session 5

3.20pm      Students dismissed

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